Thursday, May 7, 2009

Popcorn Flowers

The popcorn flower are small and white with 5 petals. They bloom from February through June. It can be as small as 2 inches and can go up to 10 inches tall. Besides in deserts, they can be found in Arizona and California. They are held in a tight coil at the top of the plant. The flowers open starting from the bottom of the plant moving to the top. This causes the stem to uncoil.

How do you think plants survive in the desert?



  1. I think plants in the desert survive by storing water until they need it. In the desert, it probably doesn't rain a lot, so they need to save their water, or else all the plants would die. They also have probably adapted so they don't need much water, and can save the water they store for a long time.

    ~Dana F.
    Period 4/5

  2. Because it doesn't rain a lot in the desert, I think plants in the desert survive by storing water and using it when they need it.

    -Sujin 4/5
